Sterling silver
Large facetted 10x7.5mm rondelle shaped rich purple amethyst beads
24" Faceted, rondelle shape stone with top to bottom drill and size may vary. Approximate size 10mm Diameter x 7.5mm Thickness(stone) tied into sterling silver cable chain. Wear as a full chain or as a lariat at the length you like.
In-stock/ready to ship
Amethyst crystal emanates purifying, transmutational qualities perfect for these trying times. Whether we use the crystal to cleanse our four energetic bodies or to improve the energy of others or the environment around us, Amethyst can help better our health and well-being in so many ways. For example, Amethyst worn over the heart helps to release and transmute negative emotional holding and to re-align and strengthen the chakra system. It helps the heart chakra to be more open and flowing, the mental energy to feel less burdened, the energy field as a whole to function more flowingly. Wearing Amethyst or carrying this crystal in a pocket or pouch strengthens the human energy field and absorbs negative energy that is accumulated as we move about our everyday lives.